Jan Friso Groote
(the course System Validation is available on Coursera.
This book supports the course).
An mCRL2 information page.
Master thesis assignments.
Bachelor thesis assignments.
Curriculum Vitae.
The concurrency mailing list.
A high resolution portrait photo.
Inaugural lecture at Eindhoven University of Technology (in Dutch).
The propositional theorem prover HeerHugo.
E-mail: J.F.Groote@tue.nl
Prof.dr.ir. J.F. Groote
Formal System Analysis.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Eindhoven University of Technology,
Metaforum room 6.079b. Groene Loper 5.
5612 AE Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Mob. +31 6 - 81922128
Tel. +31 40 - 2475145 (Secretary)
Hoekstraat 56
5674 NP Nederwetten
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 40 - 2845414
For those interested in pottery, you could have a look at the
ceramics page of Paula Groote-Versteegen.
If you are interested in buying lots of chocolate,
you must have a look at
choconut BV, led by Anno Groote.