List of publications (J.F. Groote)
(Updated November 22, 2024),
home page
Publications in 2024
J.F. Groote and J. Martens.
A Quadratic Lower Bound for Simulation.
ArXiv: abs/2411.14067.
November 21, 2024.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
On Woolhouse's Cotton-Spinning Problem.
In: Jansen, N., et al.\ Principles of Verification: Cycling the Probabilistic Landscape, part II.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15261, pp. 3-17. Springer, Cham. 2024.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
On Woolhouse's Cotton-Spinning Problem.
ArXiv abs/2408.12623, August 15, 2024.
J.F. Groote, S. van Heesch, and M. Volk.
Formal modelling and analysis of slot machines.
ArXiv: abs/2407.06809. July 2024.
J.J.M. Martens, and J.F. Groote.
depth distinguishing formulas without until for branching bisimulation.
In V. Capretta, R. Krebbers and F. Wiedijk, editors,
Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice,
Essays dedicated to Herman Geuvers on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14560, Springer Nature,
pp. 188-202. 2024.
K.H.J. Jilissen, P. Dieleman, and J.F. Groote.
Formally Modelling the
Rijkswaterstaat Tunnel Control Systems in a Constrained Industrial Environment.
In Frédéric Lang and Matthias Volk, Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of
Real Systems (MARS 2024),
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, 6th April 2024, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 399, pp. 101-127, 2024.
K.H.J. Jilissen, P. Dieleman, and J.F. Groote.
Formally Modelling
the Rijkswaterstaat Tunnel Control Systems in a Constrained Industrial Environment.
Arxiv abs/2403.18722, 2024.
J.F. Groote and M. Huisman.
Methods for Industrial Critical Systems.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 26(2):127-129, 2024.
Y. Hafidi, J.J.A. Keiren and J.F. Groote.
Mutual Exclusion for N Processes.
In: R. Yavorskiy, A.R. Cavalli, and A. Kalenkova, (eds), Tools and Methods of Program Analysis.
TMPA 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 149-160, vol 1559.
Springer, Cham. 2024.
Publications in 2023
T.T.P. Franken, T. Neele, J.F. Groote.
An autonomous data language.
E. Ábrahám, C. Dubslaff, and S.L.T. Tarifa, editors,
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2023. ICTAC 2023.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14446. Springer, Cham. 2023.
R.J. van Glabbeek, J.F. Groote, and E.P. de Vink.
Cancellation Law for Probabilistic Processes.
G. Caltais and C.A. Mezzina (Eds): Combined Workshop on
Expressiveness in Concurrency and Structural Operational
Semantics (EXPRESS/SOS 2023), 2023.
J.J.M. Martens, J.F. Groote L.B. van den Haak, P. Hijma and A.J. Wijs.
Linear parallel
algorithms to compute strong and branching bisimilarity.
Software and Systems Modeling 22(2):521-545, 2023.
J.J.M. Martens and J.F. Groote.
Computing Minimal
Distinguishing Hennessy-Milner Formulas is NP-Hard, but Variants are Tractable.
Guillermo A. Pérez and Jean-François Raskin, editors,
proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2023),
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 279,
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany,
pp. 32:1-32:17. 2023.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Real Equation
Systems with Alternating Fixed-Points.
Guillermo A. Pérez and Jean-François Raskin, editors,
proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2023),
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 279,
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany,
pp. 28:1-28:17. 2023.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Real Equation Systems with Alternating Fixed-points (full version with proofs).
ArXiv: 2307.07455. July 2023.
J.J.M. Martens and J.F. Groote.
Computing minimal distinguishing Hennessy-Milner formulas is NP-hard, but variants are tractable.
ArXiv: 2307.05265. July 2023.
J.F. Groote, J.J.M. Martens, and E.P. de Vink.
Lowerbounds for Bisimulation by Partition Refinement.
LMCS:9212 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, May 11, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2023.
F. Labbaf. J.F. Groote, H. Hojjat, and M.R. Mousavi.
Learning for Interleaving Parallel Automata.
In O. Kuperman and P. Sobocinski (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference
on the Foundation of Computer Science and Compuatation Structure, Paris, France, LNCS 13992,
pp. 413-435, 2023.
K.H.J. Jilissen, P. Dieleman, and J.F. Groote.
A formal analysis
of Dutch Generic Integral Tunnel Design models.
Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, IEEE,
Talinn Estonia, pages 1681-1684, 2023.
V. Ciancia, J.F. Groote, D. Latella, M. Massink, E.P. de Vink.
of Spatial Models Using Branching Bisimilarity.
In: M. Chechik, J.P. Katoen, M. Leucker (eds) Formal Methods.
FM 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14000. Springer. 2023
M. Atif and J.F. Groote.
behaviour of distributed systems using mCRL2.
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC, volume 458), Springer-Verlag, 2023.
S. Thuijsman, G. Kahraman, A. Mohamadkhani, F. Timmers, L. Cleophas, M. Geilen,
J.F. Groote, M. Reniers, R. Schiffelers, J. Voeten.
Tool interoperability for model-based systems engineering.
ArXiv: 2302.03503, February 7, 2023.
J. van Eerd, J.F. Groote, H.P. Hijma, J.J.M. Martens, M. Osama, and A.J. Wijs.
Innermost many-sorted term rewriting on GPUs.
Science of Computer Programming 225 - 10920. 2023.
G. Alberts and J.F. Groote. Tales
of Electrologica. Computers, software and people.
History of Computing. Springer Nature. 2023.
Publications in 2022
J.J.M. Martens, J.F. Groote, L.B. van den Haak, H.P. Hijma, and A.J. Wijs.
Linear parallel algorithms to compute strong and branching bisimilarity.
Software and Systems Modeling. 2022.
J.F. Groote, M. Laveaux, and P.H.M. van Spaendonck.
A thread-safe term library (with a new fast mutual exclusion protocol).
In T. Margaria and B. Steffen (eds.): ISoLA 2022, LNCS 13701, pp. 422-459, 2022.
J.F. Groote, K.H.J. Jilissen, M. Laveaux, P.H.M. van Spaendonck, and T.A.C. Willemse.
Using the parallel
ATerm library for parallel model checking and state space generation.
In: N. Jansen, M. Stoelinga, and P. van den Bosch (editors), A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed
Automata to Model Learning. Essays Dedicated to Frits Vaandrager on the Occasion of his 60th
birthday, LNCS 13560, Springer, pp. 306-320, 2022.
J.F. Groote and M. Huisman (editors).
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical
Systems. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference, FMICS 2022, Warsaw, Poland, LNCS 13487, Springer, 2022.
B. Hooimeijer, M. Geilen, J.F. Groote, D. Hendriks and R. Schiffelers.
Model Inference: Model Learning for Component-based Software Architectures.
In: Hans-Georg Fill, Marten van Sinderen and Leszek Maciaszek, editors,
proceedings of ICSOFT 2022, 17th International Conference on Software Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal,
pp. 146-158, 2022.
Y. Fu, A. Terechko, J.F. Groote A. Khabbaz Saberi.
formally verified fail-operational safety concept for automated driving.
SAE Int. J. of CAV 5(1), 2022.
J.J.M. Martens, J.F. Groote, E.P. de Vink.
Lowerbounds for Bisimulation by Partition Refinement.
ArXiv:2203.07158. March/December 2022.
Publications in 2021
J.F. Groote, M. Laveaux and P.H.M. van Spaendonck.
A thread-safe Term Library.
ArXiv: 2111.02706. November 5, 2021.
Y. Hafidi, J.J.A. Keiren and J.F. Groote.
Fair Mutual Exclusion for N Processes
(extended version).
November 5, 2021.
J.F. Groote.
Infinite Choice and Probability Distributions.
An Open Problem: The Real Hotel.
In V. Castiglioni and O. Dardha (Eds.): Proceedings Combined 28th International
Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 18th Workshop on Structural
Operational Semantics, EXPRESS/SOS 2021, and 18th Workshop on Structural
Operational Semantics, Paris,
France (online event), 23rd August 2021. EPTCS 339, pp. 2-8, 2021.
J.J.M. Martens, J.F. Groote, L.B. van den Haak. H.P. Hijma, and A.J. Wijs.
Linear Parallel Algorithm to Compute Bisimulation and Relational
Coarsest Partitions.
In G. Salaün and A.J. Wijs, editors,
Formal Aspects of Component Software - 17th International Conference,
FACS 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13077, 115-133, Springer, 2021.
R. Erkens and J.F. Groote.
Set Automaton to Locate All Pattern Matches in a Term.
In A. Cerone and Peter Csaba Ölveczky, editors,
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2021 - 18th International
Colloquium, Virtual Event, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, September 8-10,
2021, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12819, pp. 67-85, Springer, 2021.
J. van Eerd, J.F. Groote, P. Hijma, J.J.M. Martens and A. Wijs.
Term Rewriting on GPUs.
In H. Hojjat and M. Massink, editors,
Fundamentals of Software Engineering - 9th International Conference,
FSEN 2021, Virtual Event, May 19-21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12818,
pp. 175-189,
Springer, 2021.
J.F. Groote, R. Morel, J. Schmaltz, and A.J. Watkins.
Logic Gates, Circuits, Processors, Compilers and Computers.
Springer International Publishing. 2021.
J.F. Groote, J.J.M. Martens, and E.P. de Vink.
Bisimulation by partitioning is Omega((m+n)log n).
In: S. Haddad, and D. Varacca, editors, proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2021),
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), volume 203, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik, pp. 31:1-31:16, 2021.
R. Erkens, J.F. Groote.
A Set Automaton to Locate All Pattern Matches in a Term.
ArXiv:2106.15311. June 29, 2021.
J.J.M. Martens, J.F. Groote, L. van den Haak, P. Hijma, A.J. Wijs.
A linear parallel algorithm to compute
bisimulation and relational coarsest partitions.
ArXiv:2105.11788. May 25, 2021.
J.F. Groote and J.J.A. Keiren.
Designing Distributed Software in mCRL2.
In: K. Peters and T.A.C. Willemse, editors, Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems
- 41st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2021, Held
as Part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed
Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021, Valletta, Malta, June 14-18,
2021, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12719, pp. 226-243, Springer, 2021.
J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren.
Tutorial: Designing Distributed Software in mCRL2.
ArXiv: 2104.10542. April 21, 2021.
M. Laveaux, J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Correct and
efficient antichain algorithms for refinement checking.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 17(1): 2021.
J.F. Groote and K.G. Larsen.
and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 27th
International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint
Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg
City, Luxembourg, March 27 - April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 12651, Springer 2021.
J.F. Groote and K.G. Larsen.
and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 27th
International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint
Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg
City, Luxembourg, March 27 - April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 12652, Springer 2021.
Publications in 2020
A. Khabbaz Saberi, J. Hegge, T. Fruehling, J.F. Groote.
SOTIF: Black Swans and Formal Methods.
In 2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (Syscon), Montreal, GC, Canada,
August 24 - September 20. Pages 1-5, 2020.
DOI: 10.1109/SysCon47679.2020.9275888.
Y. Fu, A. Terechko, J.F. Groote, and A. Khabbaz Saberi.
A formally verified fail-operational safety concept for automated
ArXiv: 2011.00892. November 2, 2020.
J.F. Groote and Tim A.C. Willemse.
A symmetric
protocol to establish service level agreements.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 16(3), 19 pages, 2020.
J. van Eerd, J.F. Groote, P. Hijma, J.J.M. Martens, and A.J. Wijs.
Term Rewriting on GPUs.
ArXiv: 2009.07174. September 15, 2020.
F. Timmers, J.F. Groote.
Axiomatisation for Probabilistic Trace Equivalence.
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 30(1):69-104,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Iaçsi, 2020.
D.N. Jansen, J.F. Groote, F. Timmers, and P. Yang.
near-linear-time algorithm for weak bisimilarity on Markov chains.
In: Igor Konnov and Laura Kovács (eds.), 31st International Conference
on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR2020), Leibniz International Proceedings
on Informatics, Schloss Dagstuhl, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany. Article No.
8; pp. 8:1-8:20, 2020. You can watch the Concur presentation on
O. al Duhaiby and J.F. Groote.
Active learning of decomposable systems.
In 2020 IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Formal Methods in
Software Engineering (FormaliSE), ACM, New York, pages 1-10, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2020.
D.N. Jansen, J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren and A.J. Wijs.
An O(m log n) algorithm for branching bisimilarity on labelled
transition systems.
In: A. Biere and D. Parker (eds.): TACAS 2020, LNCS 12079, Springer-Verlag,
pp. 3-20, 2020.
J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, S.P. Luttik, E.P. de Vink and T.A.C. Willemse.
Modelling and analysing software in mCRL2.
In: F. Arbab, S.-S. Jongmans (eds), Formal Aspects of Component Software. FACS 2019.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12018. Springer, Cham.
pp. 25-48, 2020. Also published as Computer
Science Report 19-05.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
A symmetric protocol to establish service level agreements
ArXiv: 2001.07658. January 2020.
T.S. Neele, T.A.C. Willemse and J.F. Groote.
compact proofs for infinite-data parameterised Boolean equation systems.
Science of Computer Programming 188:102389, 2020.
Publications in 2019
J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, S.P. Luttik, E.P. de Vink, and T.A.C. Willemse.
and analysing software in mCRL2.
Computer Science Report 19-05. 24 p. Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
R.J. van Glabbeek, J.F. Groote, and E.P. de Vink.
complete axiomatization of branching bisimilarity for a simple process language with probabilistic choice
(Extended Abstract).
In M.S. Alvim, Kostas Chatzikokolakis, Carlos Olarte and Frank Valencia.
The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic
and Concurrency to Security and Privacy - Essays Dedicated to Catuscia
Palamidessi on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11760. Springer, pp. 139-162, 2019.
A publicly available version.
J.F. Groote and E.P. de Vink.
An Axiomatization
of Strong Distribution Bisimulation for a Language with a Parallel Operator and Probabilistic Choice.
In: Maurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, Laura Semini (eds.), :
From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools, and Back - Essays Dedicated to Stefania Gnesi on the
Occasion of Her 65th Birthday. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11865, pages 449-463, Springer 2019.
Publicly available version.
T.S. Neele, M. Rol and J.F. Groote.
system-wide properties of industrial component-based software.
In H. Hojjat and M. Massink (eds.), proceedings of FSEN 2019, LNCS 11761, pages 158-175, Springer, Cham, 2019.
The version from the preproceedings.
In H. Hojjat and M. Massink. Preproceedings of Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2019. Teheran, Iran.
IPM School of Computer Science. Pages 5-20, 2019.
L. Sanchez, J.F. Groote and R.R.H. Schiffelers.
learning of industrial software with data.
In: H. Hojjat, M. Massink (eds), Fundamentals of Software Engineering. FSEN 2019.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11761, pages 95-110. Springer. 2019.
The version from the preproceedings.
In H. Hojjat and M. Massink. Preproceedings of Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2019. Teheran, Iran.
IPM School of Computer Science. Pages 51-65, 2019.
D.N. Jansen, J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren and A.J. Wijs.
simpler O(m log n) algorithm for branching bisimilarity on labelled transition systems.
Computer Science Report 19-03. Eindhoven University of Technology. 2019.
Also available on
O. al Duhaiby and J.F. Groote.
Distribution of Behaviour into Parallel Communicating Subsystems.
In: J.A. Perez and J. Rot, editors, Proceedings Combined 26th International Workshop on
Expressiveness in Concurrency and 16th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26th August 2019, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 300,
pages 54-68, Open Publishing Association, 2019. Doi: 10.4204/EPTCS.300.4.
O. Bunte, J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, M. Laveaux, T.S. Neele, E.P. de Vink, J.W. Wesselink, A.J. Wijs, T.A.C. Willemse.
The mCRL2 Toolset for
Analysing Concurrent Systems.
In T. Vojnar and L. Zhang (eds), Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems.
TACAS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11428. Springer,
pp 21-39, 2019.
M. Laveaux, J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Correct and efficient antichain algorithms for refinement checking.
In J.A. Perez and N. Yoshida (eds.), FORTE 2019, LNCS 11535, Springer, pp. 195-203, 2019.
Also appeared as
Computer Science Report 19/01. Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2019,
and on
D.A. Zaitsev, T.R. Shmeleva, J.F. Groote.
Verification of Hypertorus Communication Grids by Infinite Petri Nets and Process Algebra.
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 6(3):733-742, 2019.
Publications in 2018
O. al Duhaiby, A. Mooij, H. van Wezep, and J.F. Groote.
Pitfalls in applying model learning to industrial legacy software.
In T. Margaria and B. Steffen, eds.,
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation.
Industrial Practice - 8th International Symposium, ISoLA 2018.
LNCS 11247, Springer, pp. 121-138, 2018.
T.S. Neele, T.A.C. Willemse and J.F. Groote.
Solving Parameterised
Boolean Equation Systems with Infinite Data Through Quotienting.
In Kyungmin Bae and Peter Csaba Ölveczky, editors, FACS, volume 11222 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 216-236, 2018.
Best Paper award.
This publication also appeared as Computer Science Report 18-3,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2018.
J.F. Groote, H.J. Rivera Verduzco, and E.P. de Vink.
An efficient algorithm to determine probabilistic bisimulation.
Algorithms. Published online September 2018. MDPI 2018.
Publications in 2017
J.F. Groote and E.P. de Vink.
Problem solving using process algebra considered insightful.
In ModelEd, TestEd, TrustEd, J.-P. Katoen, R. Langerak, A. Rensink, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10500, Springer, pages 48-63, 2017.
This paper also appeared as Computing Science Report CSR 17-02.
R. van Beusekom, J.F. Groote, P. Hoogendijk, R. Howe, W.J. Wesselink, R. Wieringa, T.A.C. Willemse.
Formalising the Dezyne Modelling Language in mCRL2.
In: L. Petrucci, C. Seceleanu, A. Cavalcanti (eds),
Critical Systems: Formal Methods and Automated Verification. FMICS 2017, AVoCS 2017. pages 217-233, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10471.
Springer, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67113-0_14. Best paper award.
A.A.H. Osaiweran, J. Marincic and J.F. Groote.
Assessing the quality of tabular state machines through metrics.
In the proceedings of the 2017th IEEE International Conferenence on Software Quality, Reliability and Security.
Prague, Czech Republic, pages 426-433, IEEE, 2017.
This article also appeared as
Computing Science Report CSR 17-01.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017.
J.F. Groote, D.N. Jansen, J.J.A. Keiren and A. Wijs.
O(m log n) Algorithm for Computing Stuttering Equivalence and Branching Bisimulation.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 18(2): 13:1-13:34, 2017.
M. Talebi, J.F. Groote, and C. Dandelski.
Modelling and verification of a cluster-tree formation protocol implementation for the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH MAC operation mode.
In H. Hermanns and P. Höfner, editors, proceedings 2nd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems,
MARS@ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 117-128, 2017.
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.244.5.
M. Talebi, J.F. Groote and J.-P. Linnartz.
The mean drift: Tailoring the mean field theory of markov processes for real-world applications.
In proceedings of Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications.
24th International Conference, ASMTA 2017, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, pp. 196-211, 2017.
J.F. Groote and E.P. de Vink.
Problem solving using process algebra considered insightful.
Computing Science Report CSR 17-02.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017.
A.A.H. Osaiweran, J. Marincic and J.F. Groote.
Assessing the quality of tabular state machines through metrics.
Computing Science Report CSR 17-01.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017.
Publications in 2016
M. Huisman, H. Bos, S. Brinkkemper, A. van Deursen, J.F. Groote, P. Lago, J.C. van de Pol, and E. Visser.
Software that meets its intent.
In proceedings of ISoLA2016, B. Steffen, editor, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9953, pp. 609-625, Springer-Verlag, 2016.
S. Keshiszadeh and J.F. Groote.
Exact Real Arithmetic with Perturbation Analysis and Proof of Correctness.
Proceedings Thirteenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, pages 24-26, 2016.
A full version appeared as technical report CSR-15-05.pdf.
J.F. Groote, R.W. van der Hofstad, and M. Raffelsieper.
the random structure of behavioural transition systems.
Science of Computer Programming 128:51-67, 2016.
Also published as Computing Science Report CSR 14-01.
J.F. Groote and A.J. Wijs.
An O(m log n) algorithm for stuttering
equivalence and branching bisimulation. In M. Chechik and J.-F. Raskin (eds).
TACAS 2016, LNCS 9636, pp. 607-624, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49674-9_40.
J.F. Groote, F. Wiedijk, and H. Zantema.
A probabilistic analysis of the Game of the Goose.
SIAM Reviews 58(1):143-155, 2016.
This article also appeared as
Computing Science Report CS-R1404. Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
A.A.H. Osaiweran. M. Schuts, J. Hooman, J.F. Groote and B. van Rijnsoever.
Evaluating the effect a lightweight formal technique in industry.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 18(1):93-108, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/s10009-015-0374-1. This paper was also published as Technical report 12-13.
Publications in 2015
M. Talebi, J.F. Groote and J.-P. Linnartz.
Continuous approximation of stochastic models for wireless sensor networks.
2015 IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT), Luxembourg-Kirchberg, pp. 1-6, 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/SCVT.2015.7374240.
J.F. Groote and A.J. Wijs.
An O(m log n) algorithm for stuttering equivalence and branching bisimulation.
Computing Science Report CS-Report 15-06. Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015.
This article also appeared as arXiv publication 1601.01478.
S. Keshishzadeh and J.F. Groote.
Exact Real Arithmetic with Perturbation Analysis and Proof of Correctness.
Computing Science Report CS-Report 15-05. Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015.
A. Osaiweran, M. Schuts, J. Hooman, J.F. Groote, and B. van Rijnsoever.
Evaluating the effect of a lightweight formal technique in industry.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. Published online,
DOI: 10.1007/s10009-015-0374-1, 2015. An earlier version of this articles appeared as
Technical report 12-13.
M.G.J. van den Brand and J.F. Groote.
Software Engineering: Redundancy is Key.
Science of Computer programming 97:75-81,
DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2013.11.020, 2015.
J.F. Groote, T.W.D.M. Kouters and A.A.H. Osaiweran.
Specification guidelines to avoid the state space explosion problem.
Journal of Software: Testing, Verification and Reliability 25(1):4-33, 2015 (published online in 2014). See also report
Technical Report 10-14.
Publications in 2014
J.F. Groote and M.R. Mousavi.
Modeling and analysis of communicating systems.
The MIT press. 2014. Also appeared at PHI Learning. Private Limited. Delhi. 2016. Doi: 10.7551/mitpress/9946.001.0001.
J.F. Groote and H. Zantema.
De kans om Ganzenbord te winnen.
Nieuw Archief voor de Wiskunde 5/15(4):234-239, 2014.
J.F. Groote, R.W. van der Hofstad, and M. Raffelsieper.
On the
random structure of behavioural transition systems.
Post-proceedings of the 14th international workshop on automated verification of
critical systems (AVOCS14), M. Huisman and J.C. van de Pol, editors,
Electronic Communications of the EASST 70, 2014.
An extended version appeared as Computing Science Report CSR 14-01.
M.G.J. van den Brand and J.F. Groote.
Redundancy in the software design process is essential
for designing correct software. ERCIM news 99:34-35, 2014.
J.F. Groote and H. Zantema.
A probabilistic analysis of the Game of the Goose.
Computing Science Report CS-R1404. Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
M. Leemans, R.P.J. Koolen, S. Cranen, S.E. Jurgens and J.F. Groote.
Analyse van besturingssystemen voor beweegbare bruggen (analysis of the control
system for movable bridges).
Technical report for Rijkswaterstaat. Delivered on May 12, 2014 (confidential).
J.F. Groote, R. van der Hofstad and M. Raffelsieper.
On the Random Structure of Behavioural Transition Systems.
Computing Science Report CS-R1401. Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
Publications in 2013
M.G.J. van den Brand and J.F. Groote.
Engineering: Redundancy is Key.
J.J. Vinju editor, preprint Science of Computer Programming,
special issue in Honour of Paul Klint, pp. 75-82, 2013.
M.G.J. van den Brand and J.F. Groote.
Engineering: Redundancy is Key.
Computer Science Report 13/08, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013.
A. Khabbaz Saberi, J.F. Groote and S. Keshishzadeh.
of path planning algorithms: a formal verification-based approach.
In P. Lio, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi and M. Pavone, editors, proceedings in
Artificial Life, ECAL 2013, pp. 232-239, 2013. Full
S. Cranen, J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, F.P.M. Stappers, E.P. de Vink, J.W. Wesselink, and T.A.C. Willemse.
An overview of the mCRL2 toolset
and its recent advances. Proceedings TACAS 2013, editors N. Piterman, S.A. Smolka, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7795,
pp. 199-213, Springer, 2013.
F.P.M. Stappers, M.A. Reniers, S. Weber and J.F. Groote.
Dogfooding the
formal semantics of mCRL2. In the proceedings of the 2012, 35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop,
Heraclion, Crete, Greece, 2012. Download .pdf.
A full version appeared as Computer Science Report 11/18.
J.F. Groote, J. Keiren, A. van Rooij, V. Saralaya and A.J. Wijs.
Verificatie van de correctheid van de PLC-software van de Algerabrug.
Technical report for Rijkswaterstaat. Delivered April 2013, 2013 (confidential).
Publications in 2012
M.G.J. van den Brand and J.F. Groote. Advances in model driven software engineering. ERCIM News, 91:23-24, 2012.
A.A.H. Osaiweran, J.F. Groote, M. Schuts, J. Hooman, B. van Rijnsoever.
Evaluating the effect of formal techniques in industry.
Computer Science Report 12/13, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2012.
A.A.H. Osaiweran, T. Fransen, J.F. Groote, B. van Rijnsoever.
report on designing and developing control components
using formal methods. In D. Giannakopoulou and D. Mery,
FM 2012, LNCS 7436, pp. 341-355, 2012.
A.A.H. Osaiweran, T. Fransen, J.F. Groote, B. van Rijnsoever.
Experience report on designing and developing control
components using formal methods.
Computer Science Report 12/04, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2012.
J.F. Groote, A.A.H. Osaiweran and J.H. Wesselius.
Analyzing a controller
of a power distribution unit using formal methods.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software Testing,
Verification and Validation (ICST 2012, Montreal, Canada, April 18-20, 2012), (pp. 420-428). IEEE, 2012.
Also appeared as technical report CSR 11/14.
J.F. Groote, A.A.H. Osaiweran and J.H. Wesselius.
Experience report on developing the Front-end Client unit under the control of formal methods.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, The Software Engineering Track
(ACM SAC-SE 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy, March 25-29, 2012), (pp. 1640-1647), 2012.
Also appeared as technical report CSR 11/13.
J.F. Groote, T.W.D.M. Kouters, and A.A.H. Osaiweran.
Specification guidelines to avoid the state space explosion problem.
Fundamentals of
Software Engineering (4th IPM International Conference, FSEN 2011, Teheran, Iran,
April 20-22, 2011. Proceedings), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7141, Springer Verlag,
pp. 112-127, 2012. A more complete version appeared as technical report CSR 10/14.
Publications in 2011
F.P.M. Stappers, M.A. Reniers, J.F. Groote and S. Weber.
Dogfooding the structural operational semantics of mCRL2.
Computer Science Report 11/18, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
J.F. Groote. A.A.H. Osaiweran. M.T.W. Schuts and J.H. Wesselius.
Investigating the effects of
designing industrial control software using push and poll strategies.
Computer Science Report 11/16, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
J.F. Groote, A. Osaiweran, and J.H. Wesselius.
Analyzing the effects of formal methods on the development of industrial
control software. In proceedings of the IEEE ICSM 2011, Williamsburg,
VA, USA, September 25-30, pp. 467-472, 2011.
J.F. Groote, A.A.H. Osaiweran, J.H. Wesselius.
Analyzing a Controller of a Power Distribution
Unit using Formal Methods.
Computer Science Report 11/14, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
J.F. Groote, A.A.H. Osaiweran, J.H. Wesselius.
Experience report on developing the
Front-end Client unit under the control of formal methods.
Computer Science Report 11/13, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
E. Brandt, A. Di Bucchianico, J. van Ekris, J.F. Groote, W. Geurts, G. Heslinga and G. Kolk.
TOPAAS. Een structurele aanpak voor faalkansanalyse van software intensieve systemen.
Technisch rapport (versie 2.0, 1 april 2011). Rijkswaterstaat. Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat. 2011.
J.F. Groote and J. Lanik.
Semantics, bisimulation and congruence results
for a general stochastic process operator.
Computer Science Report 11/05, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
J.F. Groote, A.A.H. Osaiweran and J.H. Wesselius.
Benefits of applying formal methods to
industrial control software.
Computer Science Report 11/04, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 2011.
C. Brandt, F. Hermann and J.F. Groote.
Generation and evaluation of business continuity
processes using algebraic graph transformation and the mCRL2
process algebra. Journal of Research and Practice in Information
Technology, Vol 43(1):65-86, 2011. This article is a revised
version of Bericht-Nr 2010-11, Technische Universitaet Berlin.
S. Cranen, J.F. Groote and M.A. Reniers.
A linear translation from CTL* to the first-order modal mu-calculus.
Theoretical Computer Science 412(28):3129-3139, 2011.
An early version of this article appeared as
Technical Report 10-09,
Computer Science Reports,
Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010.
J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, F.P.M. Stappers, J.W. Wesselink, and T.A.C. Willemse.
Experiences in developing the mCRL2 toolset.
Software: Practice and Experience, 41(2), 143-153, 2011.
Publications in 2010
F.P.M. Stappers, M.A. Reniers, J.F. Groote.
Suitability of mCRL2 for Concurrent-System Design: A 2 x 2 Switch
Case Study.
Post-proceedings of FMCO 2009, LNCS 6286, Springer Verlag, pp. 166-185, 2010.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17071-3_9.
J.F. Groote, F.P.M. Stappers, M.A. Reniers.
Grip op ontwikkelen van correcte software (
First two pages,
Last two pages).
Vakblad voor software architectuur, pp. 18-20, December 2010.
J.F. Groote, T.W.D.M. Kouters, and A.A.H. Osaiweran.
Specification Guidelines to avoid the State Space Explosion Problem.
Technical Report 10-14, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010.
J. Bots, J.F. Groote, J. Bosman.
Een minister voor onze nationale ICT.
Binnenlands Bestuur. Pag. 43, oktober, 2010.
S. Cranen, J.F. Groote, and M.A. Reniers.
A linear translation from LTL to the first-order
modal mu-calculus.
Technical Report 10-09, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010.
C. Brandt, F. Hermann and J.F. Groote.
Modeling and reconfiguration of
critical Business Processes for the purpose of a Business Continuity Management
respecting Security, Risk and Compliance requirements at Credit Suisse using Algebraic Graph Transformations.
Extended Version. Bericht-Nr 2010-11, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Fakultaet IV, 2010.
Publications in 2009
Y.L. Hwong, A. Racz, B. Beccati, C. Deldicque, C. Schwick, D. Gigi, E. Cano,
E. Meschi, F. Glege, F. Meijers, H. Sakulin, J.A. Coarasa, J.F. Laurens,
J. Gutleber, L. Orsini, M. Ciganek, M. Simon, M. Zanetti, R. Gomez-Reino,
R. Moser,
S. Cittolin, J.F. Groote, T. Willemse, A. Meyer, D. Hatton, U. Behrens,
D. Shpakov,
H. Cheung, J.A. Lopez-Perez, K. Biery, R.K. Mommsen, V.O. Dell, A.S. Yoon,
C. Loizides, C. Paus, F. Ma, G. Bauer, J.F. Serrano Margaleff, K. Sumorok,
S. Erhan, A. Petrucci, J. Branson, M. Pieri, M. Sani.
of the Control Hierarchy Modelling of the CMS Detector Control
System, in ICALEPCS 2009, Kobe, Japan.
G.J.M. Smit, G.F. van der Hoeven, J.F. Groote, R.H.J.M. Otten, H. Tonino,
B.H.H. Juurlink, B.R.H.M. Haverkort.
The 3TU embedded systems master in the Netherlands.
International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Embedded Systems Education,
Grenoble, France. Pages: 8-12. 2009.
T.A.N. Engels,
J.F. Groote, M.J. van Weerdenburg and T.A.C. Willemse.
algorithms for automated validation. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 78(4):274-287, 2009.
This article did also appear as
CS-Report 07-24, Department of Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2007.
J.F. Groote and B. Ploeger.
Switching graphs.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20(5):869-886, 2009.
Similar versions have been published as
In V. Hlava and I. Potapov, editors,
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Reachability Problems
in Computational Models (RP2008),
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 223,
pp. 119-135, 2008.
CS-Report 08-28, Department of Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008.
W. Boehmer, C. Brandt and J.F. Groote.
Evaluation of a business continuity plan using process algebra and modal logic.
Computer Science Report CSR-09-12, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2009.
J.F. Groote, S. Orzan.
Parameterised Anonymity.
In P. Degano, J.D. Guttman and F. Martinelli, editors, proceeding
of the 5th international workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST),
pages 177-191, LNCS 5491, 2009. See also
CS Report 08-22 Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2009.
J.F. Groote, A.H.J. Mathijssen, M.A. Reniers,
Y.S. Usenko, and M.J. van Weerdenburg.
Analysis of distributed systems with mCRL2.
In M. Alexander, W. Gardner, editors,
Process Algebra
for Parallel and Distributed Processing. Chapman Hall,
pp. 99-128, 2009. Direct download of our chapter.
Publications in 2008
J.F. Groote, M.A. Reniers and Y.S. Usenko.
of networks of timed automata using mCRL2. IPDPS pp. 1-8, 2008.
J.F. Groote and B. Ploeger.
Switching graphs.
In V. Hlava and I. Potapov, editors,
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Reachability Problems
in Computational Models (RP2008),
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 223,
pp. 119-135, 2008. Also available as
CS-Report 08-28, Department of Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008.
J.F. Groote and S.M. Orzan.
Parameterised anonymity.
CS-Report 08-22, Department of Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008.
J.F. Groote, P. Klint and F.W. Vaandrager.
ICT onderwijs moet een forse impuls krijgen.
NRC. 5 april, 2008.
J.F. Groote.
maal excuus voorkomt geen ramp (text).
Het Brabants Dagblad. Zaterdag, 1 maart 2008.
Newspaper pages:
page 14 and
page 15.
Also appeared as: Excuus van de fiscus en dan doormodderen.
Eindhovens Dagblad. Maandag, 4 maart 2008.
A. Di Bucchianico, J.F. Groote, K.M. van Hee and R. Kruidhof.
Statistical certification of software systems.
Communications in Statistics.
Part B, Simulation and Computation, 37(2), 346-359, 2008.
See also
Computer Science Report CSR-05-23.
Publications in 2007
T.A.N. Engels, J.F. Groote, M.J. van Weerdenburg and
T.A.C. Willemse.
Search algorithms for automated validation.
CS-Report 07-24, Department of Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2007.
J.F. Groote.
Toezicht nodig op softwareprojecten.
Het Financieele Dagblad. Pagina 7. Donderdag 2 augustus 2007.
H. Hojjat, M. Sirjani, M.R. Mousavi, J.F. Groote,
Sarir: A Rebeca to
mCRL2 Translator (Tool Paper). Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD'07),
Bratislava, Slovak Republic, IEEE CS, July 2007.
J.F. Groote and M. Voorhoeve.
Operational semantics for Petri Net components.
Theoretical Computer Science, 379:1-19, 2007.
This article did also appear as
Operational semantics for Petri Net components.
Technical Report 03-08, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2003.
I. Raedts, M. Petkovic, Y.S. Usenko, J.M. van der Werf, J.F. Groote,
L. Somers.
of BPMN models for Behaviour Analysis. In J.C. Augusto, J. Barjis, U. Ultes-Nitsche,
Proceedings of the 5th International
Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information
Systems, MSVVEIS 2007, pp. 126-137, 2007.
J.F. Groote, A.H.J. Mathijssen, M.A. Reniers, Y.S. Usenko, M.J. van Weerdenburg.
Formal Specification Language mCRL2.
In: E. Brinksma, D. Harel, A. Mader, P. Stevens and R. Wieringa, editors,
Methods for Modelling Software Systems (MMOSS),
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06351, Internationales Begegnungs- und
Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007.
M.R. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers, J.F. Groote.
formats and meta-theory:
20 years after. Theoretical Computer Science, 373:238-272, 2007.
The preprint submitted
to TCS is available also.
H. Gao, J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
parallel and concurrent garbage collection by
mark and sweep. Science of computer programming 64(3):341-374, 2007.
See also Lock-free
parallel garbage collection by Mark&Sweep.
Computer Science Report CSR-04-31,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
Publications in 2006
J.F. Groote, M.R. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers.
Hierarchy of SOS Rule Formats. Electronic Notes Theoretical
Computer Science 156(1):3-25, 2006.
See also: A hierarchy of SOS
Rule formats (preliminary abstract).
In P.D. Mosses and I. Ulidowski, editors,
Preliminary proceedings of the 2nd workshop on
Structural Operational Semantics, pp. 1-18, Lisbon, Portugal,
J.C. Perrenet, J.F. Groote and E.J.S. Kaasenbrood.
realiteit van denkniveaus bij algoritmen.
Tijdschrift voor informaticaonderwijs (TINFON), 15de jaargang, nr. 2,
pp. 32-36, 2006.
J.F. Groote, M.A. Reniers, Y.S. Usenko.
Abstraction in Timed muCRL a la Regions.
14th Int. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS'06),
April 25-26, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 2006.
J.F. Groote and C. Verhoef.
Hoe betrouwbaar is de Maeslantkering?
Automatisering Gids. April 7, 2006.
J.F. Groote and F.J.J. van Ham.
Interactive visualization of large state spaces.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
8:77-91, 2006.
An early version of this article has been published as
State Space Visualisation
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
CS-Report 02-14, 2002.
J.F. Groote and C. Verhoef.
komt niet met strik om de haven van Rotterdam
binnen'. Automatisering Gids 10, 10 maart 2006.
J.F. Groote, A.H.J. Mathijssen, M.J. van Weerdenburg, Y.S. Usenko.
From muCRL to mCRL2: Motivation and
In: Proc. Workshop Essays on Algebraic Process Calculi (APC 25).
ENTCS 162, pp 191-196, 2006.
Publications in 2005
S.C.C. Blom, J.F. Groote, S. Mauw and A. Serebrenik.
the BKE-security protocol with mCRL.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 139(1):49-90, 2005.
An earlier version of this paper appeared as
J.F. Groote, S. Mauw and A. Serebrenik.
the BKE-security protocol with mCRL.
Computer Science Report CSR-04-30,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Boolean Equation Systems. Theoretical Computer Science 343:332-369, 2005.
An earlier version of this paper appeared as
boolean equation systems.
Computer Science Report 04/09,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
J.F. Groote and F.J.J. van Ham.
Interactive visualization of large state spaces.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
Published online, 2005.
An early version of this article has been published as
State Space Visualisation
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
CS-Report 02-14, 2002.
B. Badban, W. Fokkink, J.F. Groote, J. Pang and J.C. van de Pol.
of a sliding window protocol in muCRL and PVS.
Formal Aspects of Computing 17(3):342-388, 2005.
See also
report SEN-R0308, CWI, Amsterdam, 2003.
H. Gao, J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
Lock-free dynamic hash tables with open addressing.
Distributed Computing 17:21-42, 2005.
See also
Efficient almost wait-free parallel accessible dynamic hashtables.
Technical Report CS-Report 03-03, 2003, below.
H. Gao. J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
Lock-Free Parallel Garbage Collection.
In Y. Pan e.a., editors, Proceedings of ISPA2005,
LNCS 3758, pp. 263-274, 2005.
See also Lock-free
parallel garbage collection by Mark&Sweep.
Computer Science Report CSR-04-31,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
J.C. Perrenet, J.F. Groote and E.J.S. Kaasenbrood.
Exploring Students'
Understanding of the Concept of Algorithm: Levels of Abstraction.
In ITiCSE 2005, Proceedings of the 10th Annual SIGCSE Conference on
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 64-68, 2005.
J.F. Groote and M. Keinanen. A Sub-quadratic Algorithm for Conjunctive and
Disjunctive Boolean Equation Systems. In D.V. Hung and M. Wirsing,
editors, Proceedings of International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of
Computing (ICTAC'2005)}, volume 3722 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 545-558. Springer-Verlag, 2005. See also
A sub-quadratic algorithm for conjunctive and disjunctive BESs.
Computer Science Report 04/13,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004, below.
A. Di Bucchianico, J.F. Groote, K.M. van Hee and R. Kruidhof.
Statistical certification of software systems.
Computer Science Report CSR-05-23, Eindhoven
University of Technology, 2005.
J.F. Groote, F. Monin and J. Springintveld.
A computer checked algebraic
verification of a distributed
summation algorithm. Formal Aspects of Computing 17:19-37. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
See also
computer checked algebraic verification of a distributed
summing protocol.
Computer Science Report 97/14, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 1997, below.
J.F. Groote, M. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers.
A hierarchy of SOS
Rule formats (preliminary abstract).
In P.D. Mosses and I. Ulidowski, editors,
Preliminary proceedings of the 2nd workshop on
Structural Operational Semantics, pp. 1-18, Lisbon, Portugal,
M. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers and J.F. Groote.
Notions of bisimulation and congruence formats for
SOS with data.
Information and Computation 200:107-147, 2005.
Also appeared as
Computer Science Report CSR-04-25, Eindhoven
University of Technology, 2004.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Model-checking processes with data.
Science of Computer Programming 56:251-273, 2005.
See also
A Checker for Modal Formulas for Processes with Data,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
CSR 02-16, 2002.
M. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers and J.F. Groote.
A syntactic commutativity format for SOS.
Information Processing Letters, 93(5):217-223, 2005.
This article also appeared as A Syntactic
Commutativity Format for SOS. Computer Science Report
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
Publications in 2004
M.R.V. Chaudron, J.F. Groote, K.M. van Hee,
C. Hemerik, L.J.A.M. Somers and T. Verhoeff.
Software Engineering Reference Framework.
Technical Report CS-Report 04-039, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2004.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
A checker for modal formulae for processes with data.
In F.S. de Boer, M.M. Bonsangue, S. Graf, W.-P. de Roever,
editors, in revised lectures of Formal Methods for Components and Objects,
Leiden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3188,
pp. 223-239, 2004. The full version appeared as
A Checker for Modal Formulas for Processes with Data,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
CSR 02-16, 2002.
J.C. Perrenet, J.F. Groote and E.J.S. Kaasenbrood.
bij algoritmen (levels in algoritmic thinking).
Tijdschrift voor informatica-onderwijs (TINFON), 13e jaargang, nr. 4,
pp. 116-118, 2004.
H. Gao, J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
parallel garbage collection by Mark&Sweep.
Computer Science Report CSR-04-31,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
J.F. Groote, S. Mauw and A. Serebrenik.
the BKE-security protocol with mCRL.
Computer Science Report CSR-04-30,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
A. Di Bucchianico, J.F. Groote, K.M. van Hee, R. Kruidhof.
Statistical certification of
software systems, CONQUEST 2004
proceedings, 163-171, ASQF, Erlangen, 2004.
N.J.M. van den Nieuwelaar, M.M.H. Driessen and J.F. Groote.
A dedicated
verification approach for scheduling in complex
manufacturing machines. Computer Science Report
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
M. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers and J.F. Groote.
A Syntactic
Commutativity Format for SOS. Computer Science Report
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
J.F. Groote and T.A.C. Willemse.
Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (Extended Abstract).
In Philippa Gardner and Nobuko Yoshida, editors, Proceedings
of CONCUR 2004, London, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3170,
pp. 308-324, 2004. The full version of this paper appeared as
boolean equation systems.
Computer Science Report 04/09,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
M. Mousavi, M.A. Reniers and J.F. Groote.
Congruence for SOS with data.
In proceedings of the 19th annual IEEE symposium on Logic in Computer
Science, pp. 303-312, Turku, Finland, 2004.
This paper also appeared as Computer Science Report 04/05,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
W. Fokkink, J.F. Groote, J. Pang, B. Badban and J.C. van de Pol.
Verifying a sliding window protocol in mCRL.
In C. Rattray, S. Maharaj and C. Shankland (eds),
proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology,
Stirling, Scotland, pp. 148-163, LNCS 3116, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
See also technical report SEN-R0308 below.
J.F. Groote and M.K. Keinanen.
A sub-quadratic algorithm for conjunctive and disjunctive BESs.
Computer Science Report 04/13,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
H. Gao, J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
Almost Wait-free Resizable Hashtables
In Proceedings of 18th International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
2004. A full version of this articles appeared as
H. Gao, J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
Efficient almost wait-free parallel accessible dynamic hashtables.
Technical Report CS-Report 03-03, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2003.
J.F. Groote and M.K. Keinanen.
Solving Disjunctive/Conjunctive Boolean Equation Systems
with Alternating Fixed Points.
In K. Jensen and A. Podelski, editors,
Proc. 10th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms
for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'2004),
volume 2988 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 436-450. Springer, 2004.
Did also appear as
disjunctive/conjunctive boolean
equation systems with alternating fixed points. Technical Report
SEN-R0310, CWI, Amsterdam, 2003.
W.J. Fokkink, J.F. Groote and M.A. Reniers.
Process algebra needs proof methodology.
In the concurrency column, L. Aceto, editor, Bulletin of
the EATCS no 82, pp. 108-125, February, 2004. This article did also appear
as Computer Science Report 04/04, Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.
Publications in 2003
S.C. Borst, O.J. Boxma, J.F. Groote and S. Mauw.
Task allocation in a multi-server system.
Journal of Scheduling 6, 6(5):423-436, 2003.
This article also appeared as
PNA-R0122, CWI, Amsterdam, 2001.
S.C.C. Blom, J.F. Groote, I.A. van Langevelde, B. Lisser and J.C. van de
New developments around the mCRL tool set. Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science 80, Proceedings of FMICS'03, editors
T. Arts and W.J. Fokkink, Elsevier 2003.
J.F. Groote and O. Tveretina.
decision diagrams for first-order predicate logic.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 57(1-2):1-22, 2003.
J.F. Groote and H. Zantema.
Resolution and binary decision diagrams cannot simulate each other
polynomially.Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 130, issue
2, pages 157-171, 2003. This article also appeared as
Technical Report UU-CS-2000-14.
Department of Computer Science, Utrecht
University, 2000, and as
Technical Report SEN-R0009 , Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.
W.J. Fokkink, J.F. Groote, J. Pang, B. Badban, J.C. van
de Pol.
Verifying a Sliding Window Protocol in mCRL.
report SEN-R0308, CWI, Amsterdam, 2003.
H. Zantema and J. F. Groote,
Transforming equality logic to propositional logic.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 86,
Issue 1, 2003.
Also appeared in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Theorem Proving (FTP), 2003. Also appeared as
Technical Report CS-Report03-05. Eindhoven University
of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2003.
J.F. Groote and M. Voorhoeve.
Operational semantics for Petri Net components.
Technical Report 03-08, Computer Science Reports,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2003.
J.F. Groote, J. Pang and A.G. Wouters. Analysis of a distributed
system for lifting trucks. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Programming 55:21-56, 2003.
This article also appeared as
Technical report SEN-R0111, CWI, Amsterdam, 2001.
J.F. Groote and F.J.J. van Ham, Large State Space Visualization, Proceedings
TACAS '03, pp. 585-590, LNCS 2619. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003.
An extended version of this article has been published as
State Space Visualisation
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
CS-Report 02-14, 2002.
Publications in 2002
J.F. Groote and B. Lisser.
assisted manipulation of
algebraic process specifications. ACM Sigplan Notices 37(12):98-107, 2002.
This article also appeared as:
J.F. Groote and B. Lisser. Computer assisted manipulation of
algebraic process specifications. In M. Leuschel and U. Ultes-Nitsche,
editors, proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on verification and
computational logic, VCL2002, Pittsburgh, Technical Report DSSE-TR-2002-5,
Department of electronics and computer science, University of Southampton, 2002.
An extended version of this article appeared as
J.F. Groote and B. Lisser. Computer assisted manipulation of
algebraic process specifications.
Technical report SEN-R0117, CWI, Amsterdam, 2001.
J.F. Groote. Bits, trits, qits, pits of hits.
In F. de Boer, M. van der Heijden, P. Klint and J. Rutten, editors,
Liber Amicorem Jaco de Bakker, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
- M.A. Reniers, J.F. Groote, M.B. van der Zwaag, J. van Wamel.
Completeness of Timed mCRL.
Fundamenta Informaticae, volume 50, number 3-4, pages 361-402,
This is a revised version of
Technical report SEN-R0034 , CWI,
Amsterdam, 2000.
Publications in 2001
J.F. Groote and J. van Wamel.
The parallel composition of uniform processes with data.
Theoretical Computer Science, 266:631-6, 2001.
This article did also appear as
Report CS-Report 00-06, Department of mathematics
and computing science, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2000. This is a revised version
of Report
CS-R9626, CWI, Amsterdam, 1996.
J.F. Groote and J. Springintveld.
Focus points and convergent process operators: a proof strategy
for protocol verification. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Programming 49, pages 31-60, 2001.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint142, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
1993, and technical report CS-R9566,
CWI, Amsterdam, 1995.
J.F. Groote and H. Zantema.
Resolution and Binary Decision Diagrams cannot simulate each
other polynomially (extended abstract).
In D.Bjorner, M.Broy and A.Zamulin, editors, proceedings of PSI'01,
Novosibirsk, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2244, Springer Verlag,
pages 33-38, 2001.
S.C.C. Blom, W.J. Fokkink, J.F. Groote, I. van Langevelde,
B. Lisser, and J.C. van de Pol. mCRL: A Toolset for Analysing
Algebraic Specifications. In proceedings CAV'01. LNCS 2102, pages
250-254, 2001.
J.F. Groote and B. Lisser. Computer assisted manipulation of
algebraic process specifications.
Technical report SEN-R0117, CWI, Amsterdam, 2001.
J.F. Groote, A. Ponse and Y.S. Usenko.
Linearization in parallel pCRL. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
48(1-2):39-72, 2001. Also appeared as
Technical Report SEN-R0019 , Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.
J.F. Groote, W.H. Hesselink, S. Mauw and R. Vermeulen.
algorithm for the asynchronous Write-All problem based on process
collision. Distributed Computing 14:75-81, 2001.
Also appeared as
Computing Science Report 99-15. Department
of Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 1999.
J.F. Groote and M.A. Reniers.
Algebraic process verification.
In J.A. Bergstra, A. Ponse and S.A. Smolka. Handbook of Process
Algebra, pages 1151-1208, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001.
Also appeared as:
Algebraic Process Verification.
Computing Science Reports 00/05,
Department of Computing Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2000.
W.H. Hesselink, J.F. Groote.
Waitfree concurrent memory management by Create,
and Read until Deletion (CaRuD). Dist. Comput. 14, pages
31-39, 2001.
Also appeared as
Technical report SEN-R9811, CWI, Amsterdam, 1998.
J.F. Groote and J.J. van Wamel.
Analysis of three hybrid systems in timed mCRL.
Science of Computer Programming 39:215-247, 2001.
Also appeared as
Technical report SEN-R9815, CWI, Amsterdam, 1998.
Publications in 2000
J.F. Groote and J.C. van de Pol.
space reduction using partial tau-confluence.
In Nielsen, Mogens, and Rovan, editors, Proceedings of
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2000,
LNCS 1893, Springer-Verlag, pages 383-393, 2000.
Also appeared as
Technical Report SEN-R0008 , Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.
J.F. Groote and J.C. van de Pol.
Equational binary decision diagrams.
In M. Parigot and A. Voronkov,
Logic for Programming and Reasoning, LPAR2000,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 1955, Springer
pages 161-178, 2000.
Also appeared as:
Technical Report SEN-R0006 , Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.
To appear in proceedings of LPAR 2000.
J.F. Groote and J.P. Warners. The propositional formula checker
HeerHugo. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 24:101-125, 2000.
Also appeared as
Technical Report SEN-R9905 , Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999.
W. Fokkink, J.F. Groote, M. Hollenberg and S.F.M. van Vlijmen.
Laris 1.0. LAnguages for Railway Interlocking Specifications.
CWI publications miscellaneous. CWI, Amsterdam, 2000.
E. Rietjens, B. Lisser, J. Springintveld and J.F. Groote.
Black-Box Testing from ISpec Interface Specifications (confidential).
Nat.Lab. Technical Note TN 2000/047. Philips, Eindhoven. 2000
Publications in refereed Proceedings and Journals (before 2000)
L. Aceto and J.F. Groote.
A Complete Equational Axiomatization for MPA with String Iteration.
Theoretical Computer Science, 211:339-374, 1999. Also appeared as
technical report
CWI, Amsterdam, 1997.
M.A. Bezem, R.N. Bol and J.F. Groote. Formalizing Process Algebraic
Verifications in the Calculus of Constructions.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 9:1-48, 1997.
M.A. Bezem and J.F. Groote.
Invariants in process algebra with data.
In B. Jonsson and J. Parrow, editors, Proceedings Concur'94,
Uppsala, Sweden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 836, pages
401-416, Springer Verlag, 1994.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint98, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 1993.
M.A. Bezem and J.F. Groote.
A correctness proof of a one bit sliding window protocol in
mCRL. The Computer Journal, 37(4): 289-307, 1994.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint99, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 1993.
R.N. Bol and J.F. Groote.
The meaning of negative premises in transition system
In J. Leach Albert, B. Monien, and M. Rodriguez Artalejo,
editors, Proceedings 18th ICALP, Madrid, pages
481-494, 1991.
R.N. Bol and J.F. Groote.
The meaning of negative premises in transition system
specifications. In Journal of the ACM, 43(5):863-914, 1996.
L.-A. Fredlund, J.F. Groote and H. Korver.
Formal Verification of a Leader Election Protocol in Process Algebra.
Theoretical Computer Science, 177:459-486, 1997.
J.F. Groote.
system specifications with negative premises.
In J.C.M. Baeten and J.W. Klop,
editors, Proceedings CONCUR 90, Amsterdam, volume 458 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
332-341. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
J.F. Groote.
Transition system specifications with negative premises.
Theoretical Computer Science, 118(2):263-299, 1993.
J.F. Groote.
new strategy for proving omega-completeness applied
to process algebra.
In J.C.M. Baeten and J.W. Klop, editors, Proceedings
CONCUR 90, Amsterdam, volume 458 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 314-331. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
J.F. Groote.
Specification and verification of real time systems in ACP (Extended Abstract).
In L. Logrippo, R.L. Probert and
H. Ural, editors, Proceedings 10th International Symposium on
Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Ottawa, pages 261-274,
J.F. Groote.
short proof of the decidability of bisimulation for normed
BPA processes.
Information Processing Letters, 42:167-171, 1992.
This article also appeared as:
J.F. Groote. A
short proof of the decidability of bisimulation
for normed BPA-processes. Report CS-R9151, CWI, Amsterdam, 1991.
J.F. Groote.
Hiding Propositional Constants in BDDs. Formal
Methods in System Design, Vol. 8, pages 91-96, 1996.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint120, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
J.F. Groote. Concurrency theory will set standards for
description and analysis of software, Computing Surveys, 28A(4), December,\-GrootePosition/GrootePosition.html,
J.F. Groote. Structured Operational Semantics. To appear in:
J. Urban, P. Dasgupta, editors,
Encyclopedia of Distributed Computing, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
J.F. Groote.
A Note on n Similar Parallel Processes.
In S. Gnesi and D. Latella, editors, Second International Ercim Workshop
on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, pp. 65-75, Cesena, Italy,
1997. (See also Report CS-R9626,
CWI, Amsterdam, 1996).
J.F. Groote and H. Huttel.
Undecidable Equivalences for Basic Process Algebra.
Information and Computation, 115(2):354-371, 1994.
J.F. Groote, J.W.C. Koorn and S.F.M. van Vlijmen.
Formele analyse van het veiligheidssysteem
op het station van Hoorn-Kersenboogerd.
Informatie, Jaargang 36, nr. 6, pagina's 397-404, 1995.
J.F. Groote, J.W.C. Koorn and S.F.M. van Vlijmen.
The safety guaranteeing system at station Hoorn-Kersenboogerd
(Extended abstract). In proceedings 10th Annual
Conference on Computer Assurance (COMPASS'95), pp. 57-68,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1995.
Full version available as technical report
preprint121, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
J.F. Groote and H. Korver.
Correctness proof of the bakery protocol in mCRL.
In A. Ponse, C. Verhoef and S.F.M. van Vlijmen, eds, Algebra of
Communicating Processes, Workshops in Computing, pp. 63-86, 1994.
Appeared also as technical report CS-R9473,
CWI, Amsterdam, 1994.
J.F. Groote, H. van Maaren. Equivalence of the Concave Optimisation
method and d'Agostino's Tableaux for Propositional Logic.
In V. Atalay, e.a. editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh
International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS-XI),
pages 41-51, Antalya, Turkey, 1996.
J.F. Groote and R. Mateescu.
Verification of Temporal Properties of Processes in a Setting
with Data.
In Armando Martin Haeberer, editor, Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software
Technology AMAST'98 (Amazonia, Brazil), volume 1548 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 74-90. Springer Verlag, January 1999.
Full version available as
Technical Report SEN-R9804, CWI,
Amsterdam, 1998.
J.F. Groote and F. Moller.
Verification of parallel
systems via decomposition.
In W.R. Cleaveland, editor,
Proceedings CONCUR 92, Stony Brook, NY, USA, volume 630
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 62-76.
Springer-Verlag, 1992.
J.F. Groote, F. Monin and J.C. van de Pol.
Checking verifications of protocols and distributed systems by computer
In D. Sangiorgi and R. de Simone,
Proceedings of Concur'98, Sophia Antipolis, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1466, pp. 629-655, Springer Verlag, 1998.
Extended version appeared as
Computer Science Report 98/13, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1998.
J.F. Groote and J.C. van de Pol.
A bounded retransmission protocol for large data packets. A case
study in computer checked verification.
In M. Wirsing and M. Nivat, Editors, Proceedings of AMAST'96, Munich,
volume 1101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer Verlag, pages 536-550, 1996.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint100, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
Process algebra with guards.
Combining Hoare logic and
process algebra. Formal Aspects of Computing, 6(2): 115-164,
1994. The journal version is also available.
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
algebra with guards. Combining Hoare logic and
process algebra (Extended abstract).
In J.C.M. Baeten and J.F. Groote, editors, Proceedings
CONCUR91, Amsterdam, volume 527 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 235-249. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
Proof theory for mCRL: a language for processes with data.
In Andrews et al. Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Semantics of
Specification Languages. Workshops in Computing, pages 231-250.
Springer Verlag, 1994.
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
The syntax and semantics of mCRL.
In A. Ponse, C. Verhoef and S.F.M. van Vlijmen, eds, Algebra of
Communicating Processes, Workshops in Computing, pp. 26-62, 1994.
This article also appeared as technical report
CS-R9076, CWI,
Amsterdam, 1990.
J.F. Groote and M.P.A. Sellink.
for Process Verification.
In S.A. Smolka editor, proceedings of CONCUR'95, pp. 204-218,
volume 962 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1995.
J.F. Groote and M.P.A. Sellink.
for Process Verification (open access).
In Theoretical Computer Science B
(Logic, semantics and theory of programming),
170(1-2):47-81, 1996.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint137, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
J.F. Groote and F.W. Vaandrager.
Structured operational semantics and bisimulation as a
congruence (extended abstract).
In G. Ausiello, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini, and S. Ronchi Della
editors, Proceedings 16th ICALP, Stresa, volume 372
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 423-438. Springer-Verlag,
1989. Full version available as CWI Technical
report CS-R8845.pdf, 1988.
J.F. Groote and F.W. Vaandrager.
Structured operational semantics and bisimulation as a
Information and Computation, 100(2):202-260, October
Full version available as CWI Technical
report CS-R8845.pdf, 1988.
J.F. Groote and F.W. Vaandrager.
An efficient algorithm for branching bisimulation and
stuttering equivalence.
In M.S. Paterson, editor, Proceedings 17th ICALP,
Warwick, volume 443 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 626-638. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Another version in .pdf format,
also available in postscript format.
J.F. Groote and S.F.M. van Vlijmen.
A modal logic for mCRL.
Modal Logic and Process Algebra, a Bisimulation Perspective
A. Ponse, M. de Rijke and Y. Venema, eds.
CSLI Lecture Notes No. 53, pages 131-150, Stanford, 1995.
Also appeared as technical report
preprint114, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
Invited Publications
J.F. Groote, J.W.C. Koorn and S.F.M. van Vlijmen. Formele
analyse van het veiligheidssysteem op het station van
Hoorn-Kersenboogerd. In Proceedings van de tweede landelijke
specificatiedag Tussen Theorie en Praktijk. Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven en Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, 1994.
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
mCRL: A base for analysing processes with data.
In E. Best and G. Rozenberg, editors, Proceedings 3rd
Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality, Goslar, GMD-Studien
Nr. 191, pages 125-130. Universitaet Hildesheim, 1991.
J.F. Groote and A. Ponse.
Proof theory for mCRL. A language for processes with data.
In S. Brlek editor, proceedings of BMW-94, Methodes mathematiques
pour la synthese des systemes informatiques, pages 105-124.
Publication de laboratoire de combinatoire et d'Informatique
Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada, 1994.
Books, Proceedings and Journals
D.J. Andrews, J.F. Groote, and C.A. Middelburg, editors.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantics of
Specification Languages. Workshops in Computing, Springer
Verlag, 1994.
J.C.M. Baeten and J.F. Groote, editors.
Proceedings CONCUR 91, Amsterdam, volume 527 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
M. Bezem and J.F. Groote, editors.
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, volume 664 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Typed
Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA '93, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
J.F. Groote.
Process Algebra and Structured Operational Semantics.
PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1991.
J.F. Groote, S.P. Luttik, J.J. van Wamel (editors). Proceedings of the third
international workshop on formal methods for industrial critical systems.
CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998.
J.F. Groote, S.P. Luttik, J.J. van Wamel (editors). Formal Aspects of
Computing. Special Issue on FMICS'98, volume 7/8, 1998.
J.F. Groote and M. Rem, editors. Science of Computer Programming,
Methods of Software Design: Techniques and Applications. Special Issue
on COST247, Verification and validation methods for formal
descriptions, 1997.
Other publicaties
M.A. Bezem and J.F. Groote.
Kloof theorie/praktijk bezit redelijke kanten.
Automatiseringsgids. Apr 30, 1993.
E. Brinksma and J.F. Groote. Validatietechnieken houden complexe
systemen hanteerbaar. Automatisering Gids. Jan 8, 1999.
J.F. Groote. An optimisation problem for an AC operator.
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science no. 54. pp. 380-382, 1994.
J.F. Groote. We moeten software leren beheersen. Intreerede.
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Mar 5, 1999.
J.F. Groote and W.H. Hesselink.
Research Program Logics and Computer Science for the
Onderzoekschool Logica (1994 - 1999). 1993.
J.F. Groote and S.F.M. van Vlijmen. Wetenschappers helpen NS aan
veiliger stations. Automatisering Gids. Feb 17, 1995.
Reports that have not been published elsewhere
M.A. Bezem and J.F. Groote.
A formal verification of the alternating bit protocol in the
calculus of constructions.
Technical Report 88, Logic Group Preprint Series, Utrecht
University, March 1993.
M.A. Bezem and J.F. Groote.
Proving a Graph Well Founded using Resolution (a case study in automated
Technical Report 113, Logic Group Preprint Series, Department of
Philosophy, Utrecht University, 1994.
D. Dams and J.F. Groote.
Specification and Implementation of
Components of a mCRL Toolbox.
Technical Report 152, Logic Group Preprint Series, Department of
Philosophy, Utrecht University, 1995.
A.J.P.M. Engel, L.M.G. Feijs, J.F. Groote, J.C. van de Pol and
J. Springintveld.
Specification, design and simulation of services and protocols for a
PDA using the infra red medium (confidential).
Technical report RWB-510-re-95012, Dept. of Information and Software
Technology, Philips, Eindhoven, 1995.
J.F. Groote.
Implementations of events in LOTOS-specifications.
Technical Report 009/88EN, Philips CFT, Eindhoven, 1988.
J.F. Groote.
Towards a formal mathematical vernacular.
Technical Report, Logic Group Preprint Series No. 84, Utrecht
University, December 1992.
J.F. Groote.
Binary Decision Diagrams for Predicate Logic.
Technical Report, Logic Group Preprint
Series No. 127, Utrecht University, 1995.
J.F. Groote.
A Note on n Similar Parallel Processes.
Report CS-R9626, CWI, Amsterdam, 1996.
J.F. Groote.
The syntax and semantics of timed mCRL.
Technical report SEN-R9709, CWI, Amsterdam, 1997.
J.F. Groote, L. Helmink, R.P. Jagt, Y.M. Lau, and J. Springintveld.
Analysis and PSF model of the project 50 application layer for TV and
VCR. Technical Report RWB-508-re-94081. Department of Information and Software
Technology. Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1994.
J.F. Groote, W.H. Hesselink, S. Mauw and R. Vermeulen.
An algorithm for the asynchronous Write-All problem based on process
collision. Computing Science Report 99-15. Department
of Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, 1999.
J.F. Groote, J.W.C. Koorn and S.F.M. van Vlijmen.
The safety guaranteeing system at station
Hoorn-Kersenboogerd. Technical Report 121, Logic Group Preprint
Series, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, 1994.
J.F. Groote and S.P. Luttik.
Undecidability and completeness results for process algebras
with alternative quantification over data.
Technical report SEN-R9806, CWI, Amsterdam, 1998.
J.F. Groote and S.P. Luttik.
A Complete Axiomatisation of Branching Bisimulation for Process
Algebras with Alternative Quantification over Data.
Technical Report SEN-R9830, CWI, Amsterdam, 1998.
J.F. Groote, F. Monin and J. Springintveld.
computer checked algebraic verification of a distributed
summing protocol.
Computer Science Report 97/14, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. 1997.
J.F. Groote and J. Springintveld.
Algebraic verification of a Distributed Summation Algorithm.
Technical Report CS-R9640, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
Amsterdam, 1996. (see also above: Groote, Monin and Springintveld, A computer
checked algebraic verification of a distributed summing protocol).
This report also appeared as Technical Report CSI-R9627, Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Nijmegen, 1996.
J.F. Groote and J. van Wamel.
Data Types and Induction in mCRL.
Report P9409, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1994.
J.F. Groote and J.J. van Wamel.
Basic theorems for parallel processes in timed mCRL.
Technical report SEN-R9808, CWI, Amsterdam, 1998.
J.F. Groote and J.P. Warners.
The propositional formula checker
HeerHugo. Technical Report SEN-R9905, Centre for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999.
H. van Maaren, J.F. Groote and M. Rozema.
Verification of Propositional Formulae by Means of Convex and Concave
Transforms. Technical Report 95-74.
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics.
Delft University of Technology. 1995.
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